Coaching Solution: Engage in deep reflection
What you Observe
You have always been able to tackle challenging assignments with confidence, but things now seem to be getting out of control. You begin to doubt yourself or perhaps you double down on what has always worked for you in the past, hoping for a different result. But the metrics speak for themselves; something is not working.
How can you Explore
Clear your mind of any automatic assumptions you might have made about these situations and the people involved. Open up to the possibility that there is another way to look at things.
Time to Reflect
Think of an issue in your workplace that you would like to resolve. How can you approach the situation with a fresh look? What are some assumptions you might have made? How can you challenge or test those assumptions?
Common assumptions:
- My perspective is both correct and complete because I have collected all the pertinent information related to this issue.
- The keys to our success in the past will continue to be the keys to our success in the future.
- No one else in my organization is facing these same sorts of challenges. I am alone in this struggle.
Time to Act
- Set aside a regular time for deep reflection, away from distractions.
- Start with a blank slate, as if you have never faced anything like this before.
- Start with a “scan” of your own thoughts and emotions about this issue. Re-establish an emotional connection to what is truly important to you and to those impacted by this issue.
- Revisit in your mind an incident related to this issue. Sit like a fly on the wall and observe, replaying the events in your mind. What do you see? What have you been missing?
- Identify anything, however small, that has been working. What can you learn from that about what might be a new way to approach the issue?
- Make a list of other stakeholders or mentors who might enlarge your perspective. Set up a forum for gathering more information and engaging in group reflection.
- Tune in to your own team purpose, values and vision. How can they guide you through this situation? Or do they need an upgrade?
- Take one insight out of your reflection and act on it. What is one thing you can do differently today? Over time look at the impact of your small actions in a new direction and observe their impact. Identify what is starting to gain momentum and follow that path.