Primeast is delighted to celebrate Clive Wilson’s new book which will be published at the end of September and is now available for pre-order with publishers Routledge here.
We’re pleased to be able to offer an exclusive offer to our community of leaders and learners. Use EFLY03 for a 20% discount.
Summary of “Leading Beyond Sustainability”:
The 2020s present a decade of unprecedented disruption. The challenges of the climate crisis are manifest and accelerating, conflict in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere have added instability to global governance and we spent the first three years managing the health threats of a global pandemic. Other sustainability challenges continue and are now better understood and framed thanks to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which were agreed and adopted by world leaders in New York in 2015. These were the focus of another of Clive’s books “Designing the Purposeful World – The Sustainable Development Goals as a Blueprint for Humanity” (Routledge 2018).
If you’d like to know more, just contact any of the team here at Primeast or reach out directly to the author at [email protected].