What To Do
What Are The First Signs Your Culture Isn’t Working?
The impact of a disfunctional or misaligned culture can be far-reaching and the causes complex. The symptoms of poor organisational culture can be seen in a number of KPIs – employee engagement, financial performance, customer service scores, feedback, complaints, employee turnover and absenteeism. The challenge is to identify what’s going on and why and then to prioritise what needs to be addressed.

Culture effects employee engagement
Culture is a living breathing organism made up of diverse and unique human beings. It is built on values and behaviours and is supported by leaders, systems and processes that become part of the DNA of an organisation, the ways things are done.
Culture must be aligned to the organisation’s purpose, vision and strategy.
With multi-generational workforces, hybrid, remote and matrix teamworking, the need to create inclusive cultures, the need to engage and upskill employees, culture is not an easy thing to build, create or fix.
You can start your journey by completing our Employee Experience Assessment today. Speak to a member of our team to discuss your results and what to do next to get your culture back on track.
Engage & Thrive - A programme of Change for Transforming Cultures
Programme Stages
Engage & Thrive is an agile and flexible approach to culture transformation which uses the Barrett Values assessments to create insights which are analysed to develop clear actions. We work with you to identify areas for development, create the action plan and support your leaders to embed the change required.

Barrett Values Model
How to measure your culture
Using the Barrett Values Culture Assessment we measure the values that are displayed in the workplace. An organisation-wide survey is conducted with agreed segments. This can also include a range of external stakeholders to help you align to the groups you serve. We work with your team to develop recommendations embed the desired values and provide leadership development, equipping leaders with the skills to be able to execute effective change and culture transformation.

Understanding Barrett Values - how to change your culture
Barrett Values, developed by Richard Barrett, provide a comprehensive framework for assessing and aligning personal and organisational values to achieve higher performance and employee satisfaction. This system draws from Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, expanding the topmost level into seven distinct bands of consciousness, each representing a stage of human and organisational development.
Read more in our Guide to Transforming Cultures.