Insights 21

7 Strategies for Overcoming Resistance to Change in the Workplace

We discuss what makes people react the way they do to transformational efforts, and describe approaches to overcoming resistance to change in the workplace.

Organisational transformation is difficult

In today’s world, change is the only constant that surrounds us. In business, it’s no different. For employees, this can be difficult to manage and upsetting. When striving for a successful transformation we must consider the different perceptions of those initiating change, implementing it, and being impacted by it.

In this article, you’ll learn techniques to manage resistance to change more effectively. We explore the types of change, discuss what makes people react the way they do to transformational efforts, and describe strategic and tactical approaches to overcoming change resistance in the workplace.

Understanding Employee Resistance

What is Employee Resistance?

Employee resistance refers to the natural human tendency to oppose or resist changes in the workplace. It is a common phenomenon that can occur at individual, team, or organisational levels. Employee resistance can manifest in various ways, including decreased productivity, absenteeism, and negative attitudes towards the change. This resistance is often rooted in a fear of the unknown, a desire to maintain the status quo, or concerns about job security and personal impact.

Understanding employee resistance is crucial for any organisation looking to implement change initiatives. By recognising the signs of resistance early, such as a drop in morale or an increase in absenteeism, managers can take proactive steps to address concerns and foster a more supportive environment for change.

Why Does Employee Resistance Occur?

Employee resistance occurs due to a combination of psychological, emotional, and practical factors. Some of the common reasons for employee resistance include:

  • Fear of the unknown: Employees may resist change because they are uncertain about the impact it will have on their job security, roles, or responsibilities. This fear can lead to anxiety and a reluctance to embrace new processes or technologies.
  • Loss of control: Change can make employees feel that they are losing control over their work or environment. This perceived loss of autonomy can result in resistance as employees struggle to regain a sense of stability and control.
  • Fear of failure: Employees may resist change because they are afraid of failing or not being able to adapt to new processes or technologies. This fear can be particularly strong if the change requires them to develop new skills or take on unfamiliar tasks.
  • Lack of communication: Employees may resist change if they are not adequately informed about the reasons for the change, the benefits, and the impact on their work. Clear and transparent communication is essential to help employees understand and accept the change.
  • Cultural or social factors: Employees may resist change if it challenges their cultural or social norms, values, or beliefs. This type of resistance can be particularly challenging to overcome, as it often involves deeply ingrained attitudes and behaviours.

By understanding these underlying causes of employee resistance, organisations can develop more effective strategies for managing resistance to change and fostering a more positive and supportive environment for change initiatives.

Creating collaborative teams with collective goals

A short while ago I discussed the challenges and attributes of high-performing teams. In modern organisations with flatter hierarchical structures, these high-impact teams are smaller, more agile, and themselves structured to benefit from individual specialisation without regard for a ‘pecking order’. Even though these teams are designed to provide maximum flexibility in a constantly changing environment, it is likely that an organisation will still experience resistance to change.

Overcoming resistance to change in the workplace doesn’t have to be a constant battle in a market environment where businesses are in constant flux. With a forward-looking and proactive strategy, resistance is first reduced and then eliminated.

Types of change: operational change vs social change

There are two facets to organisational transformation. The first is operational (or technical) and the second is social. Understanding the difference between the two is critical to managing resistance to change in an organisation.

Within the organisational context, operational change can be explained as what we do and how we do it. For example, in an auto manufacturer a production worker may use a manual spanner to fit wheels to an axle. If that worker is then given a technologically advanced tool to do the job, that change is operational. Instead of using his strength to tighten the nut on the bolt, the worker uses different skills. He must learn these skills, but the operation is the same – fixing the wheel to the axle.

In such transformation, you may also witness social change – the way the worker interacts with others and the relationships they have. It is this type of change that evokes the most severe resistance to change.

Let’s consider that the auto worker is asked to do things differently. This involves him learning a new skill. However, the reporting line and responsibility remain unchanged. The worker is responsible for his routine. He remains responsible for reporting issues. He continues to liaise with the department’s manager. The only thing that is really changing is that the worker must learn a new technical skill to do the job he has always done. This may cause some resistance to change among those who are unsure of their ability to develop new skills, but there is no resulting social change.

Now, let’s consider that the worker is not only required to do things differently but also must adhere to imposed working routines and has a new line of report – to a supervisor rather than the senior manager as before. This is a social change that completely alters the perspective of the worker.

Change Management

Reasons for resistance to change

In their work on resistance to change theory, John P. Kotter and Leonard A. Schlesinger concluded that there are four common situations in which people’s resistance to change germinates and grows:

  1. Self-interest
  2. Misunderstanding and lack of trust
  3. Different evaluations
  4. Low tolerance for change

Using our example of change, we can see how different types of resistance to change develop.

1.     Self-interest

When someone believes they may lose something valuable as a result of the change, they are likely to resist the change. People focus on their own self-interests (every stakeholder has their own agenda) and not the best interests of the organisation. Eventually this develops into group resistance to change.

In our example, the worker is losing his direct relationship with ‘the boss’. He feels that his voice is no longer heard, because of the new reporting line put in place. The worker will come up with reasons why the new way of doing things will not work, and small errors and any downtime will be blamed on the change.

2.     Misunderstanding and lack of trust

A lack of understanding about the implications of the change is also a driver of resistance to change. An existing lack of trust between the manager initiating change and the workers expected to implement it exacerbates this misunderstanding.

For example, if the auto worker believes that the new technology he is being asked to use will reduce the time it takes to do the job, he may believe that his job is threatened – or that he will lose overtime and experience a cut in earnings – no matter what the manager says. Trust is crucial when making organisational change.

3.     Different evaluations

This situation arises when people assess the impacts of transformation differently to their managers or others who initiate the change.

In our example, it may be that the manager initiating the change has access to information that the workers don’t have. The reorganisation of reporting lines may be needed because of the need for closer collaboration with the engineering department. However, the workers on the shop floor view the change as another (unnecessary) layer of management and are suspicious that the supervisor’s real role is to micromanage the department as it prepares for redundancies.

4.     Low tolerance for change

Some people fear change because they worry that they cannot develop the skills and abilities needed. This is particularly true of projects that require rapid change – the bigger and faster the change, the harder it is for people to come to terms with.

In the book ‘The Planning of Change’, authors Warren G. Bennis, Kenneth D. Benne, and Robert Chin also discuss how personality affects individual ability to cope with change – a theme that also runs through Peter Drucker’s theories on management.

The Change Curve

The Change Curve is another important model to consider when navigating organisational change. It highlights the emotional stages that individuals typically go through during the change process, from initial shock and denial to eventual acceptance and commitment. At the beginning of the curve, resistance is high as employees may feel uncertain or fearful about the change. As they move through the stages of frustration and depression, productivity often dips. However, with proper support and communication, employees begin to explore the benefits of the new approach, leading to gradual acceptance.

Change Curve

By the time they reach the final stage, commitment, employees are fully engaged, and the change becomes part of the organisation’s new way of working. Understanding this emotional journey helps leaders provide the right support at the right time, ensuring a smoother transition for everyone involved.

7 Strategies for overcoming resistance to change

Change can be a difficult process, but Kotter’s 8 Change Accelerators offer a framework to help organisations navigate it more effectively. By using these accelerators, leaders can address both the human and structural challenges that come with transformation.

For example, when a sense of urgency is created, people are motivated to take the first steps toward change. Without this urgency, complacency sets in, and efforts can stall. Building a guiding coalition is also essential – a diverse group of leaders is needed to champion the change, ensuring it is supported at every level. A clear vision must be formed to provide direction, allowing everyone to understand the goals and reasons behind the change. Employees across the organisation are then enlisted as part of a volunteer army to help drive the transformation.


Kotter's 8 Change Accelerators

When considering the strategies and techniques for reducing resistance to change, there are six broad areas in which organisations must operate.

1.     Communication and education

Common issues that cause resistance to change include fear of the unknown and a misunderstanding of why change is needed.

People will only accept change if they believe the risk of doing nothing is higher than the risk of changing direction. Similarly, if people don’t understand why change is needed, they will question why you are changing something that they believe works well.

Communication and education about the change should begin before it is initiated. This will help your people to rationalise the change, and ensure that individuals and teams receive adequate information to make positive judgements.

2.     Participation

A lack of belief that the organisation can make effective change leads to resistance to change. Likewise, when people aren’t consulted and change is forced upon them, there is likely to be more resistance. This is especially the case if people believe their jobs will be at risk.

It is critical that the stakeholders and those implementing change are involved in its design. A collaborative effort will engage people in the change, and in the identification of potential issues and solutions. People are far less likely to resist change that they have helped to create.

Many studies have shown that participation has wide-ranging positive effects during periods of organisational change. For example, a 2011 study (Change Recipients’ Reactions to Organisational Change: a 60-Year Review of Quantitative Studies) found that participation reduces resistance to change and leads to positive effects such as change readiness and acceptance, a sense of competence, a sense of control and better trust. Participation will reduce the stress that snaps your people’s desire to change.

Another participative strategy is to employ socialisation, putting people before practice and ensuring that shared values crush resistance to change.

3.     Support

Organisational transformation is usually accompanied by a change to routines, taking people out of (long-established) comfort zones. This may also lead to exhaustion, especially if the organisation is subject to frequent change or business evolution.

Even if people appear to be accepting of change, it may be that they are simply resigned to it. They must be given the support needed to enable new skills to be developed and ensure that change burnout does not become a reality.

Support requires managers to develop their emotional intelligence and connect with their people. Offering adequate support is also time-consuming, requiring trained managers and leaders to employ coaching tactics to be most effective when managing change in an organisation.

4.     Agreement

Resistance to change is also precipitated when people feel they will be negatively affected by its consequences. This may be because of a perception that their earnings or career potential will be harmed or that the rewards of the change are not worth the effort required.

To combat this type of resistance to change, an organisation may consider offering incentives. Such incentives may include extra pay, improved benefits, or offering structured career plans. This strategy requires negotiation to reach agreement. The drawback is that such agreements can be expensive and do not guarantee engagement with change.

5.     Co-opting

People become connected to the way that things have always been done. There are often strong emotional connections to processes and procedures that employees may have been at least partly responsible for developing. To bond with the old may require a Herculean effort.

One strategy is to co-opt those who may be most resistant to change into central roles in the implementation of change initiatives. This can gain the support of would-be resistors relatively cheaply, though it does come with a caveat – placing people who are deemed to be resistant to change in such positions could give them a position from which to influence greater resistance across a wider audience.

6.     Coercion

Sometimes it is necessary to coerce people into accepting change. This is often the case where people feel they cannot learn the new skills needed or if they feel that change is a temporary fad that will be reversed.

Techniques for implementing change include wielding the threat of disciplinary action while insisting that people fall into line with required behaviours and actions. If speed of change is critical, coercion may be the only viable option.

A major drawback of this strategy is that it does not remove resistance to change, which may continue to bubble under the surface and result in a destructive atmosphere at a later date (particularly if the proposed transformation does not produce at least the outcomes promoted by the initiator of change).

7.    Building Trust and Aligning with Organisational Values

Resistance to change often stems from a lack of trust in leadership or the belief that the change is not aligned with the organisation’s core values. Employees are more likely to embrace change when they trust those leading it and see how the change connects to the organisation’s mission, vision, and values.

Building trust starts with leaders demonstrating transparency, integrity, and accountability. This includes openly acknowledging challenges, admitting mistakes, and consistently following through on commitments. Clear communication about how the change supports long-term goals and organisational values can help employees see the bigger picture and reduce scepticism.

By connecting change initiatives to the organisation’s core values, leaders can help employees align the transformation with their sense of purpose. When individuals feel that the change is consistent with what the organisation stands for, they are more likely to support it and invest their energy in making it successful.

This strategy reinforces engagement and fosters a collaborative culture, ensuring that resistance is minimised while creating a stronger foundation for sustained change.

Implementing Change

essential change management techniques

Implementing change in an organisation requires a structured approach to overcome employee resistance. Here are some strategies to consider:

Communicate the reasons for change

Clearly communicate the reasons for the change, the benefits, and the impact on employees’ work. Transparency is key to building trust and helping employees understand the necessity of the change. Use multiple channels of communication, such as meetings, emails, and newsletters, to ensure that the message reaches everyone.

Involve employees in the change process

Encourage employee participation and involvement in the change process to build ownership and commitment. This can be done through workshops, focus groups, or feedback sessions. When employees feel that their opinions are valued and that they have a say in the change process, they are more likely to support the change.

Provide training and support

Provide adequate training and support to help employees adapt to the change and develop new skills. This can include formal training programs, on-the-job coaching, or access to online resources. Ensuring that employees have the tools and knowledge they need to succeed will reduce anxiety and resistance.

Address employee concerns

Address employee concerns and fears directly and provide reassurance and support. This can be done through one-on-one meetings, Q&A sessions, or anonymous feedback channels. By acknowledging and addressing concerns, managers can build trust and reduce resistance.

Celebrate successes

Celebrate successes and progress along the way to build momentum and reinforce positive behaviours. Recognise and reward employees who embrace the change and contribute to its success. Celebrations can be as simple as a team lunch or as formal as an awards ceremony.

Lead by example

Leaders and managers should model the behaviour they expect from employees and demonstrate a positive attitude towards change. When leaders are visibly committed to the change and exhibit the desired behaviours, employees are more likely to follow suit.

By understanding employee resistance and implementing change in a structured and supportive way, organisations can overcome resistance and achieve successful change initiatives. This approach not only helps to minimise disruption but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.

7 Tactics to overcome resistance to change

Having identified the causes (or potential causes) of resistance to change in your workplace and the strategic approaches that your organisation should take to overcome this resistance, the next step is to consider specific tactics and techniques for reducing resistance to change that your organisation and its managers can utilise to eventually eliminate that resistance.

Leadership is an organisational imperative when managing change, and leaders who inspire a cultural shift in their staff have the greatest success in managing resistance to change in an organisation.

In a 2013 PwC survey, nearly two-thirds of staff surveyed felt that a top leader is in charge of change management, and almost half felt that top leaders should be in charge of cultural change.

The good news here is that the same number of people felt that cultural change is also their responsibility.

The bad news is that only 14% saw any responsibility for change management falling on their shoulders. The harsh reality is that effective change is determined by having in place a corporate culture conducive to continual transformation. It is here that inspirational leadership in flat hierarchical structures is, perhaps, at its most potent.

How to Overcome Resistance to Change Ebook

Here are seven techniques for overcoming resistance to change in the workplace and helping to embed engagement in your change process.

1.     Structure the team to maximise its potential

After communicating the change initiative, consider the strengths and weaknesses of each team member.

In one-to-one sessions, establish how the team member is best suited to aiding with the change initiative, and consider ways in which it may help the individual improve personal weaknesses while simultaneously taking advantage of their strengths.

Give team members appropriate roles and responsibilities that use skills to their best advantage, while also providing the potential for personal and team development. Such a personal collaboration within the team effort will help engage each team member in the change effort.

2.     Set challenging, achievable and engaging targets

Be clear in guidance about goals and targets. Break change projects into smaller milestones, and celebrate achievements. Goals should be progressive and in line with values and beliefs.

Don’t limit the creation of milestones and measurement of goal achievement to the overall effort. While these are important team milestones that will help to motivate the team to continue with maximum effort, it is also important that you consider individual progress. Seek ways to anchor personal development to the creation and continuation of team goals along the change journey.

3.     Resolve conflicts quickly and effectively

Utilise the seven methods of care-fronting to regulate and control communicative breakdowns. Encourage openness and honesty and engender an environment of mutual trust and respect.

It is imperative to engender a good team spirit, so you should consider ways in which you can do so. During periods of change, tensions may run high and personal anxieties will be heightened. Team meetings and team bonding sessions will help your people to understand and appreciate their colleagues more easily, especially if you ensure transparency of communication and a systematic approach to problem solving that encourages frank exchange of view to reach a collective and collaborative partnership.

4.     Show passion

Communicate passionately and be an example of belief in the future vision. When other people see leaders’ behaviours emulating those required by change, they more quickly come into line with the new behaviours and become change advocates themselves.

‘Where leaders tread, others follow’ is an apt edict for executives to live by. Only by being the change can you expect others to onboard the new values and behaviours expected.

5.     Be persuasive

Engage employees in change by being an energised leader. Focus on opportunities, and persuade rather than assert authority. Share experiences as you persuade change through stories that focus on positive change.

Train your storytelling brain to discover ways to explain culture, brand and the future vision with similes that help employees relate to organisational motives and goals.

6.     Empower innovation and creativity

Give opportunities for feedback and remain flexible as you alter course toward your change goals. Encourage people to be creative, to discover solutions to unfolding problems, and to become part of the change process.

Remove the fear of taking risks by framing failure as an experience from which to learn, and a necessary step on the path to success. Help people to be accountable for their own actions, while also encouraging collaboration across silos. This will aid pollination of innovative ideas in an environment in which people develop greater knowledge and expand their professional capacity to think more creatively.

7.     Remain positive and supportive

People find change unsettling, even though change is a constant in personal lives as well as professional environments. They will need the support of a positive leader who inspires free thought, honest communication and creativity, as personal and team development is encouraged.

Employees expect leaders to manage change. Inspirational leaders create a culture where change becomes the remit of all.

In Summary

Research has shown that resistance to change is a psychological and physiological reaction (“The Neuroscience of Leadership” by David Rock and Jeffrey Schwartz). In short, you should expect resistance to change. Managing resistance to change requires you to first understand why people resist change, then identify the causes of their resistance, before considering your strategic approach and formulating the tactics and techniques for reducing resistance to change.

Equipping your leaders with a deeper understanding of the emotional effects of change is an essential first step. With better self-awareness and social awareness, leaders and managers are more able to inspire and influence through change – and develop a winning project change team.

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