The Overview
For 50 years Cedo have been supplying Europe’s leading retailers with private brand consumer household products. Their expertise in household products covers refuse sacks and bin liners, food and freezer bags and food wrap. In addition, Cedo have operated Europe’s largest plastic film recycling centre for over 35 years.

The Brief
What The Client Asked For
In line with the CEO’s strategy to develop their people and business through innovation and growth, Primeast was approached to work with them to develop a Leadership Development Programme. The immediate need was for a group of high potential future leaders to grow their management and leadership skills.
The group consisted of 8 leaders who managed teams of up to 35 people, a mix of longer serving and relatively new employees. All were based in the UK and had responsibilities ranging from HR and sales to operational management. Developing strong team-working and communications skills was critical as well as developing their contribution towards innovation and growth.
Working closely with Cedo, Primeast designed a customised, rich learning experience to develop and grow a strong management team who would work more effectively together and deepen their understanding of the whole business.

The Solution
What We Delivered
The programme consisted of 2 modules; 3 days and 1 day, to take place 5 weeks later. These are the programme outlines:
- Understanding me: Using a mix of assessment and profiling tools, managers developed an understanding of themselves and how they were perceived others.
- Managing others: ‘Situational leadership’ gave insights, tools and strategies on supporting and managing people more effectively to deliver results; and how to delegate, communicate and have bold or difficult conversations.
- Manager as coach, making it real: Essential coaching skills were developed and these skills were applied in the work place. Including how to use action learning sets.
- Coaching support: Each manager had 2 personal coaching sessions before their final presentations.
- Presentation to Cedo Executive Board: As two teams, managers presented their findings and recommendations on developing innovation at Cedo for consideration and future investment plans
The Results
What We Achieved
This team of 8 started working very well together as an intact team and support network. They have met since the programme and held their first action learning set to practice and develop their new skills. These managers are more focused on delivering the best possible performance from themselves and their teams and to keep improving business results. This is the beginning of a change towards a more open and engaged culture where sharing ideas and innovation will develop and grow. Primeast continued to support Cedo with individual development coaching.